But yes, it's another bike post. In the deep midwinter, I was riding home and suddenly my saddle disappeared. No, really, just like that. It was dark and one minute it was there, the next, gone.
With the aid of a VERY bright headlight I found the bits, saddle, clamp, nut and half the bolt. Ahh. The problem. Now I know, I'm a bit heavy and the roads are REALLY bad around here but still, to snap a bolt? My bike has had issues. More later. Maybe. Remind me. So that night I ended up riding home 5 miles sans saddle. Try it. Thighs on fire. It was that or being impaled on a seatpost. Not my thing really.
So Thursday the saddle flopped. Didn't fall off, just went floppy. Stopped and looked. Couldn't see anything wrong so tightened it up and rode gingerly home.
Bank Holiday Monday and I found 3 open bike shops, none of which gave any useful suggestions, so I went to get a nut to fit on the slipping bolt. Removing the bolt I noticed that a new bolt wouldn't be much use.
Fortunately the replacement is more robust and I found the problem before it became a major issue on a ride.
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